Advice goes down easier when taken with chocolate, n’est pas? At least that’s how we like to do it.
If your memory is really good, you may recall our last year’s Happy New Year Post about those traditional French chocolates that tout le monde eats during the holidays, Les Révillons. They are chocolate bonbons and truffles to die for, in many flavors, wrapped up like tiny gifts. And inside, une petite surprise: a little quote for the new year, en français, bien sûr, though taken from authors from around the globe.
This year’s quotes seem particularly good, so we have once again made a noble effort to consume many chocolates, to bring you lots of wisdom. Food for thought for a happy new year. Be sure to cover up those translations if you want to try your hand at the French. And who knows, they may inspire a resolution or two!
L’art, c’est le reflet que renvoie l’âme humain éblouie de la splendeur du beau.--Victor Hugo
Art, it is the reflection that returns to the human soul the dazzling splendor of the beautiful.
La jeunesse de l’Amérique est sa plus vieille tradition: elle dure depuis 300 ans.--Oscar Wilde.
The youth of America is its oldest tradition. It’s been going on now for 300 years.
Celui que pose une question risque cinq minutes d’avoir l’air bête. Celui qui ne pose pas de questions restera bête toute sa vie. --Proverbe Chinois.
Those who ask ask a question risk five minutes of looking stupid. Those who don’t ask questions stay stupid their whole lives.--Chinese Proverb.
CHOCOLAT: un Caprice Honteux et Onctueux que l’on Croque en toute Occasion avec Légèreté, Amour, et Tendresse. --Anonyme.
CHOCOLATE: a Caprice unHoly and Oh so smooth which one Craves on every Occasion with Levity, Adoration, Tenderness and Ecstasy.---Anonymous (With apologies for my translation, had to get all those letters in!).
On s’étonne trop de ce qu’on voit rarement et pas assez de ce qu’on voit tous les jours. --Madame de Genlis
One is amazed too much with what one sees rarely, and not enough with what one sees every day.
Expérience: nom dont les hommes baptisent leurs erreurs.--Oscar Wilde
Experience is the name everyone gives to their mistakes.
C’était si beau que j’ai fermé les yeux.--Yvan Audouard
It was so beautiful that I had to close my eyes.
Un seul être vous manque et tout est dépeuplé.---Aplhonse de Lamartine
You miss one person, and the world is empty.
Le baiser est la plus sûre façon de se taire en disant tout. --Guy de Maupasant
A kiss is the surest way to be silent, while saying everything.
That last one could only be French. And on that note, gros bises and Bonne Année to all!
RECIPE: Cafe au Lait de Poule
What does one drink with Les Revillons? Let’s do a little cultural mash-up and have a café au lait, but made with eggnog. The French don’t know from eggnog, it's not common here. But I adore their name for it: lait de poule, or 'hen's milk'.
Heat up a quarter to a half cup of prepared eggnog in a saucepan, just until hot. In a cup or mug, put a splash of bourbon or cognac, then a shot of expresso, or two if you prefer. Pour in the hot eggnog (froth it first, if desired). Top with whipped cream and nutmeg. Serves one, or two if you've already started on your diet for the new year.
In the Comments: SO many lovely Christmas wishes! Many thanks to all.
Favorite Reads: A great book from one of our readers: Hidden in Paris is Corine Gantz's novel about three women, living in a hidden jewel of a house in the center of Paris, who are reinventing their lives. A perfect, cozy companion for a winter's day.
Our Reader's Blogs: "Gone to Provence in my mind", that would be Liza at Provence in Ann Arbor. Join her there for a fellow Francophile's food thoughts. Then there is Emily of Rue de France who is actually living the dream in the oh so lovely town of Annecy in the Alps.
Unless otherwise attributed, all POSTS, PHOTOS and RECIPES on this blog copyright ©2011 Lynn McBride. All Rights Reserved.