We didn’t start our summer entertaining until August this year, and it seems we will still be working on it through September. Each year I like to share my summer plein air entertaining recipes, with a hidden agenda: I want to hear yours! My criteria for entertaining: it MUST be make-ahead, delicious, and preferably easy. So I’m a bit late this year, well really late, but here goes:
First the l'entrée (starter): My best summer party trick is: a split bowl of soups! This is a really pretty presentation, and it’s easy. Make gazpacho and cucumber soup in the blender--see below for the how to.
For the main dish (le plat): I’ve been making a lot of composed salads, with steak or chicken sliced on a bed of lettuce with interesting vegetables, and with that I pass French Dressing #1 and maybe a béarnaise mayonnaise. But if you want to really wow, try this roulade of beef stuffed with herbed pesto, by David Tanis. The trick to getting this right is to cut the meat properly. My butcher didn’t understand until I showed him the detailed photos included in the article—then he understood right away and it was perfect (Photo, Karstan Moran, NYT).
Le plâteau de fromage (cheese platter): I serve the usual French plâteau of cheeses which is de rigeur here after a meal, but I added a bowl of pimento cheese (recipe here), to introduce it to the expats and the French.
Le dessert: I’m very lazy about dessert, because I figure in summer, what could I make that would be better than ice cream and fruit? I’ve been layering fresh peaches with ice cream and crushed amaretto cookies, plus a swirl of whipped cream on top and some toasted almonds.
Et maintenant, c’est a vous! Your turn to share your summer menus, and I hope you will. I’ve got a few more parties to give yet!
RECIPE: Duo of Summer Soups
Here's the trick: Put both gazpacho and cucumber soup in small pitchers. Pour each into opposite sides of a soup bowl at the same time. Garnish with chives, and you’re done! It seems magic. I think it works best if both soups have roughly the same viscosity, as these do (Thanks Joan, for the photo!).
For the gazpacho, I make Alix Rico's gazpacho, it's super. My very simple cucumber soup recipe is below. Sorry, I don't really measure--no need!
Peel a large cucumber and slit it longways into quarters. Slice off the seeds. Cut into smaller pieces. Put a few pieces in a blender with 1/2 cup of chicken broth (homemade is best!), the juice of a lemon, and a quarter of a smallish red, white, or vidalia onion, or whole scallions. Add a generous pinch of sea salt and ground pepper and a few large basil leaves (or dill, or parsley, or a combo). Blend until smooth. Add remaining cucumber, and more chicken broth as needed until it's the thickness you want. Add a couple of tablespoons of creme fraiche or sour cream, if you like it creamy. Taste to correct seasoning. Of course you can keep going with more cukes and broth, if you have a crowd.
Here's another starter idea: Keep it really simple and colorful with a groaning platter of summer tomaotes and crudités.
In a final note, our hearts go out to our fellow Americans in Texas and Louisiana who are still caught up in Harvey's mess. Been through Hurricane Hugo, we feel your pain, but this is much worse, and we wish you a speedy recovery.
In the COMMENTS: Check out the comments for more great country restaurants. Paula knows one in the Indre; Jane, we love L'Estaminet and Linda, as you know we now love L'Embellie as well!
Favorite READS: Thanks to several readers who told me about Louise Penny, I am now enjoying one of her books, in addition to the Bruno series. My friend Sandi recommends Suite Française, a poignant war novel set in France, with lovely writing.