Blogs: Oh So French
French Word-a-Day
Chocolate and Zucchini
Little Brown Pen
Polly Vous Francais
My American Market
Paris and Beyond
Lucy's Kitchen Notebook
A Woman's Paris
Chez Loulou
Hip Paris
Parlez-vous français?
Here's help:
Laura Lawless french language
Alliance Francaise
Les Saveurs de Chateau
Institute de Francais
French Today
Magazines & E-zines:
France Magazine
Bonjour Paris
Living France Magazine
The Daily Basics
France Today
Burgundy Eye
Other assorted Wonderful French sites:
Expat Women
Burgundy on a Plate
Survive France Network
Patricia Wells at Home
Daily Life in France
More fun stuff:
Cake Spy
The Italian Notebook
European Market
Rough Linen
Matt Bites
Expat Alley
Barbara Andolsek Paintings
Silver Magpies
Urban Travel Girl